Parkinson's disease
The underlined items on this page link you to helpful websites with resources and information on PD:APDA Northwest Northwest Parkinson's Foundation Michael J. Fox Foundation
Davis Phinney Foundation
Parkinson's Foundation
Davis Phinney Foundation
Parkinson's Foundation
How is Parkinson's disease (PD) diagnosed?PD is traditionally diagnosed clinically.
A movement disorder neurologist like Dr. Jennie Davis has specialized training to recognize the cardinal signs and symptoms of this disease. A detailed medical history and thorough neurological exam are often sufficient for a movement disorder specialist to make the diagnosis of PD.
Dr. Davis will look for the 4 cardinal signs of PD: resting tremor, rigidity (stiff muscles), bradykinesia (slow, irregular movements), and postural instability (imbalance). 2 of these signs are necessary to make the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
Supporting non-motor symptoms like active dreams (REM behavior disorder), decreased sense of smell and constipation are helpful to support this diagnosis, but are not necessary to make the diagnosis.
When the diagnosis is uncertain adjunct tests like a DaTScan or SynOne skin biopsy can help confirm the diagnosis.
A movement disorder neurologist like Dr. Jennie Davis has specialized training to recognize the cardinal signs and symptoms of this disease. A detailed medical history and thorough neurological exam are often sufficient for a movement disorder specialist to make the diagnosis of PD.
Dr. Davis will look for the 4 cardinal signs of PD: resting tremor, rigidity (stiff muscles), bradykinesia (slow, irregular movements), and postural instability (imbalance). 2 of these signs are necessary to make the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
Supporting non-motor symptoms like active dreams (REM behavior disorder), decreased sense of smell and constipation are helpful to support this diagnosis, but are not necessary to make the diagnosis.
When the diagnosis is uncertain adjunct tests like a DaTScan or SynOne skin biopsy can help confirm the diagnosis.
Treatments: Medications & Adjunct Treatments Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Speech Therapy LSVT BIG and LOUD TherapyParkinson Wellness Recovery PWR!Music TherapyDiet & Nutrition Exercise:Rock Steady BoxingNeuroFitMore Exercise Classes from the NW Parkinson's Foundation
Advanced Surgical Treatment Options: (click links below for more information) Deep Brain Stimulation:
Medtronic DBS
Learn more about Medtronic, the most advanced DBS system, from an informative lecture given by Dr. Davis.
Abbott DBS
Boston Scientific DBS
Focused Ultrasound for PD: Focused Ultrasound
Advanced Surgical Treatment Options: (click links below for more information) Deep Brain Stimulation:
Medtronic DBS
Learn more about Medtronic, the most advanced DBS system, from an informative lecture given by Dr. Davis.
Abbott DBS
Boston Scientific DBS
Focused Ultrasound for PD: Focused Ultrasound
To learn more about Deep Brain Stimulation check out these lectures given by Dr. Jennie L. Davis on this incredible treatment.
To learn more about Deep Brain Stimulation check out these lectures given by Dr. Jennie L. Davis on this incredible treatment.
Maple Valley Movement Neurology
Dr. Jennie Davis